Positive Self-Talk: A Complete Guide

Did you know that the way you speak to yourself can impact your athletic performance?  

Self-Talk refers to the internal dialogues we have to ourselves. In the paper, Self-Talk in Sport and Performance (2017), authors Judy L.Van Raalte and Andrew Vincent write that ‘In the research literature, both instructional and motivational self-talk have been shown to enhance performance.’ and that ‘Negative self-talk increases motivation and performance in some circumstances but is generally detrimental to sport performance’. 

Replacing negative internal dialogues with positive ones can help athletes decrease performance anxiety, improve concentration and focus as well as build confidence and self-esteem. A 2009 study also showed that self-talk can enhance self-confidence and reduce cognitive anxiety (Hatzigeorgiadis et al., 2009).

When it comes to sports, self-talks can serve two basic functions: for instruction, or motivation. 

  1. Instructional Self-Talk can be utilized for skill or strategy development and general performance improvement. Studies have found that using self-talk mantras during skill execution can improve technique and performance (Hatzigeorgiadis, et al. 2011).  
  2. Motivational Self-Talk as expected, can be used to help you build motivation, cope in difficult circumstances, stay focused and increase effort. 

Lastly, a further way that we can use self-talk to reduce anxiety in sports performance is by using third person. Ethan Kross, a psychologist at the University of Michigan (2014) found that people who refer to themselves through the third-person have a less difficult time dealing with stressful situations. Lebron James, for example, is often reported to have spoken about himself in third person, perhaps doing so aided his performance under pressure. 

Below are some examples of self-talk mantras used by elite athletes to inspire you:

Instructional Self-Talk:

  • “Focus, Focus, Focus” — Rob Krar, ultramarathon runner
  • “Calm, calm, calm. Relax, relax, relax” —Desiree Linden, 2x US Champion Marathon Runner

 Motivational Self-Talk:

  • “I got this” — Laurie Hernandez, 2x Olympic Medalist
  • “I deserve to win” — Marlen Esparza, Pro American Boxer
  • “You Are Strong, You Are Capable, You Are Strong, You Are Capable” — Colin O’Brady, adventure athlete and explorer

Take Home Points:

  • Positive self-talk can improve your athletic performance
  • Use instructional self-talk for skill-development and strategy
  • Use motivational self-talk to build motivation and stay focused
  • Consider using third-person to reduce sport performance anxiety

Need help getting started? Rewire’s Mindset recovery protocols also incorporate self-talk mantras to help you optimize your training. Try it for free today here


Hatzigeorgiadis, A., Zourbanos, N., Mpoumpaki, S., & Theodorakis, Y. (2009). Mechanisms underlying the self-talk–performance relationship: The effects of motivational self-talk on self-confidence and anxiety. Psychology of Sport and exercise, 10(1), 186-192.

Hatzigeorgiadis, A., Zourbanos, N., Galanis, E., & Theodorakis, Y. (2011). Self-talk and sports performance: A meta-analysis. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 6(4), 348–356. doi: 10.1177/1745691611413136

Kross, E., Bruehlman-Senecal, E., Park, J., Burson, A., Dougherty, A., Shablack, H., Bremner, R., Moser, J., & Ayduk, O. (2014). Self-talk as a regulatory mechanism: how you do it matters. Journal of personality and social psychology, 106(2), 304–324. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0035173

Van Raalte, J., & Vincent, A. Self-Talk in Sport and Performance. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology. Retrieved 27 May. 2022, from https://oxfordre.com/psychology/view/10.1093/acrefore/9780190236557.001.0001/acrefore-9780190236557-e-157.


New Guided Recovery Sessions

New: Guided Recovery Sessions

We’re excited to share our latest update: “Guided Recovery Sessions”! We’ve designed these sessions to navigate you through the process of achieving your desired state while elevating your Mindset Recovery experience. These instructor led sessions will walk you through a complete mindfulness experience with sessions designed for pre-workout priming, relaxation, focus, and stress relief.

We’ve released four initial sessions to our guided library which are featured in our new ‘Guided Recovery Session’ category:

*Please access these links via your mobile phone to be taken to the sessions.

We’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback! Please continue to let us know your feedback at feedback.rewirefitness.app!

If you haven’t already signed up to Rewire, you can experience one of our audio only recovery sessions here:

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Achieve Your Fitness Goals

6 Tips for Achieving your Fitness Goals

Exercise and fitness goals are among the top New Year’s resolutions set by people each year, but many people fail to achieve or follow through on their resolutions.
People can fail to accomplish a goal for various reasons, including lacking the willpower to continue long-term, failing to make deliberate decisions, or forgetting about them altogether.

Continue reading for our top 6 tips to achieving your fitness goals so that you do not fall into these pitfalls!

1. Think about Your Why. 

Think about why you have set your goal and why it is important to you. Reflecting on your purpose for setting the goal will drive you to achieve it when motivation becomes low. 

2. Make Sure that Your Goals are Measurable.

Once a goal is set, make sure that it can also be measured so that you can carefully and continuously monitor your progress. Check whether the effort you are putting in is in line with what you were hoping to achieve. A re-calibration, a plan change, or an adjustment might be needed sometimes.

3. Narrow Down and Be Specific.

The number one mistake athletes make is that they set too many fitness goals. Narrow it down to the 1-2 goals that are the most important to you right now and make progress on them until you switch to something else. 

4. Build Your Self-Control. 

Whenever we set a goal, we have to exert effort that is outside of our regular routine which requires self control. You can start exercising your self-control by using neuro-training exercises on Rewire to build mental toughness.

5. Set Realistic Goals that are Optimally Challenging.

Make sure that the goals you set are difficult, but possible. You should have a fair chance at accomplishing them, but they cannot be too easy. Once you reach them, you will feel good and be ready to set new ones.

6. Boost Your Self-Efficacy.

According to Bandura’s (1997) Social-Cognitive Theory, self-efficacy refers to your beliefs about your ability to successfully perform certain actions. Studies in psychology have shown that boosting a person’s self-efficacy helps them perform better, focus attention more effectively, exert more effort, and remain optimistic in the face of challenges.

Visualization can be a great tool to help you prepare and succeed in achieving your fitness goals! Read more about how to use visualization to support sport performance here.

Are you ready to achieve your fitness goals and unlock your ultimate performance? Start Rewire free today!


Bandura, A. (2012). Social cognitive theory. In P. A. M. Van Lange, A. W. Kruglanski, & E. T. Higgins (Eds.), Handbook of theories of social psychology (pp. 349–373). Sage Publications Ltd. https://doi.org/10.4135/9781446249215.n18

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Mindset for Performance

How to Achieve the Right Mindset for Performance

What separates elite athletes from the rest? What helps them constantly succeed? What do they do differently?

It all comes down to mindset.

While all of those competing at a professional level are talented, it is those with the right mindset who succeed.

Here are a few of our top tips for achieving the right mindset for athletic performance: 

  1. Establish a Growth Mindset:
    • Throw away the belief that your abilities are fixed or that any athletic talent is innate. Instead, embrace a growth mindset that you are capable of improving and reaching higher levels of athletic performance through continuous effort, discipline and learning. You can read more about the Growth Mindset Here.
  2. Positive Self-Talk:
    • Positive self-talk can improve your performance mindset by reducing stress, anxiety and any negative thought patterns. This technique allows you to become more relaxed, focused and concentrated.
    • Try Rewire’s Pre-Workout Primer sessions, which includes self-talk mantras, to improve your mindset before your next intense training session. 
  3. Visualize The Process of Achieving Your Goals:
    • Believe it or not, mentally visualizing the image of what you want to happen or feel can enhance your sport performance in real life. Think of one of your main goals right now and try to spend some time visualizing the full scenario of how you will achieve it. You can also mentally rehearse certain skills so that you’re able to build both experience and confidence in your ability to perform them under pressure or in various scenarios. 
    • Before your next competition, try one of our Competition Mindset Prep sessions, including visualization cues amongst other mindfulness protocols.
  4. Build Mental Resilience:
    • By training mental resilience, athletes are able to push beyond their perceived limits of performance. Rewire’s Neuro-Training protocols work to reduce perception of effort; increase tolerance to mental fatigue; and allows you to reach a new level of performance. Like training our muscles, the more we train our mental resilience, the more resilient we become.
    • Make sure to keep up with your weekly Neuro-Training goals and tap here to complete a Neuro-Training session now!

Achieving the right mindset for performance can be difficult, so let Rewire help guide you on the way! The right attitude can boost your performance and unlock your ultimate potential.

Before your next workout, try one of our Pre-Workout Priming Sessions, such as ‘Step-Up‘ which features Step-Up beathing, Self-Talk and Subliminal Priming and is designed to optimize your mind and body for performance.

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Rewire Fitness Integrates with Strava

We are pleased to share that we have just completed an update to our integration with Strava allowing you to automatically sync your training load from Strava to our Readiness Assessment; receive post-workout recommendations to help optimize your training and recovery; and more!

In this post, I’ll explain the benefits of connecting Rewire to Strava and how Rewire can help you get the most out of your workouts. But first, what’s Rewire? Rewire is a human performance app that provides evidence-based solutions for tracking athlete readiness, building mental resilience, and improving mind/body recovery. Strava is a social network for athletes which allows athletes to track and share their workout data.

Why Rewire + Strava?

Connecting your Strava account allows Rewire to analyze your workout data, providing a seamless way to measure your current training load. Rewire will also give you post-workout recommendations tailored to your readiness state, either adding mental load through Neuro-Training if you are in an excellent cognitive state or providing you with a Mindset Recovery session designed to optimize mind and body recovery.

Connecting Rewire to Strava also lets you share Neuro-Training workouts and Mindset Recovery sessions that you complete in the app with your followers on Strava, meaning they can see all the hard work you are putting in to train both your mind and body.

Strava has an extensive list of integrations that support many of the devices and apps you are already using to track your workouts. This means that Rewire will be able to get your workout data from a device supported through Strava. If you’d rather not post publicly on Strava – you can always set your privacy settings to ‘Only You’ in the Strava app.


Auto-Sync Training Load from Strava

Once you connect Strava, we’ll automatically sync yesterday’s workouts from Strava to pre-fill your training load in our Readiness Assessment. Duration is based on the length of your workouts and intensity is calculated using your heart rate or power data. You can still adjust duration or intensity if you need. Training load forms just one part of our Readiness Assessment, which takes a holistic approach across cognitive, emotional and physical domains to provide you with actionable readiness insights and recommendations.

Post-Workout Recommendations

After finishing a Strava workout, open up the Rewire app for a post-workout recommendation. Based on your data we will recommend a relevant post-workout Mindset Recovery session, featuring a range of recovery protocols including guided breathing, binaural beats and subliminal priming which have been tailored to your readiness state. If you are in an excellent cognitive state we will recommend a post-workout Neuro-Training workout designed to build your mental resilience. 

Share Your Rewire Workouts on Strava

We’ve also improved the way we post Rewire sessions to Strava allowing you to now share Mindset Recovery sessions as well as Neuro-Training workouts. You can select which sessions you’d like to post as well as whether you’d like to share notes by going to Settings -> Configure Third-Party Integrations -> Strava.

Workouts in History Log

You’ll also be able to see all your Strava workouts alongside your Rewire Neuro-Training and Mindset Recovery session in our history log.

Ready to Get Started?

If you’re not already a Rewire member, sign up for our free here!

If you are already a member (or once you’ve signed up!), please head to Rewire App->Settings->Configure Third-Party Integrations->Strava and tap connect with Strava.

Please note that if you are an existing Android user you will have to reconnect Strava by following the above steps and tapping Connect to Strava again.

You asked, we listened!

We’re always speaking with our users to learn what new features they want from Rewire! If you have any suggestions or want to vote and add feedback on features currently planned or under consideration, please visit our feedback portal.

What our Beta Users are saying:

Having the Strava integration has been great! Pulling workout duration and intensity and pushing Neuro-Training to Strava has been a game changer.

David Lipman, Beta User and Runner

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