
5 Tools to Shift Your Mindset to Live Your Potential

One of the best ways to explain a mindset shift is that lightbulb moment that kicks in at some point in life where you realize something has to change within you to be the best version of yourself. Now, if it has not happened, do not freak out. When the time is right, it most definitely will, and you will be amazing in the journey that follows.

Here are a few tools to prepare you for that lightbulb. But make sure you are ready with the next moves and your game plan.

They are easy but will need 100% of your effort and work to make them successful. Let’s dive in

Choose to change

Being open-minded is the path to knowing your true self. You have to want to explore things you love and experience new things, and wanting to change is a choice that can only come from you. If you want something different in life, you have to be willing to be open-minded.

 Morning routine

It does not matter what time you wake up. Have a routine. Knowing what you are supposed to do every morning gives you a sense of purpose, and you want to get up. Train your mind to have a set habit for the morning. It can be that for the first 2 hours, you do not touch your phone, or as simple as making your bed and setting an intention for the day.

Start small and keep on adding things as needed, it is easier to add to a routine than starting one. If you go to work, start waking up 10 minutes early to ensure you complete your routine before preparing for work. It could be meditating, working out, or reading a book. Whatever it is, make sure it fulfills you, and you will never regret doing it.  Check out our article on how to master your morning here!

Positive self-talk

You are doing great! Do not be too hard on yourself. Be kind and gracious to yourself. Stand in front of a mirror and speak positively. Speak it until you believe it. There is power in self-talk. Do it long enough you will be blown away with how much you accomplish. Check out out complete guide on positive self-talk here!

Have useful resources

Listening to podcasts or good uplifting music helps you be optimistic and have the zeal for life. Other resources could be learning a new language, meditation, or working out. The Rewire App has an amazing feature where you can test your cognitive, physical, and emotional readiness. Try it out and see the benefits!

Have a mentor or role model

A mentor is there with you throughout all the steps and growth in whatever you want to achieve. A role model is someone you look up to and aspire to be like in the future. One thing you need to learn is that to get a role model, you need to love their process to get to the top and not just because they are up there. Look up to somebody who you are willing to follow the late nights or the early mornings to get where they are at now. 

Practicing these tools will help you and guide you when shifting your mindset. Look at what you want to achieve and take a look at how you want to get there. It is easy, but the journey requires discipline, determination, and commitment to achieve your goals.

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Best Practices to Win the Morning: 3 Steps to Master Your Morning Routine

Waking up in the morning can be tough. I get it, the bed is warm and cosy, obligations don’t exist, and everything is calm. But imagine being able to master your morning and looking forward to, rather than dreading, the sound of your alarm.

1. The Night Before

Preparing yourself the evening before sets you up to win the morning.

Some tips:

  • Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep a night.
  • Set an alarm (and stop hitting snooze!).
  • Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.
  • Write down your to-do list and prioritise.

Check out our article on how to optimise your sleep for recovery here!

2. Set the Right Intentions

The right mindset changes everything. But that’s way easier said than done, I know. I try to remind myself of my non-negotiables, those things that are so important to me that I will do them regardless of how much time I have or how tired I am, because I know that they will help me master my morning.

I always ask myself: what makes me feel confident and ready to tackle the day?

I have a few non-negotiables for my morning routine:

  • Reenergise – whether it be a gentle yoga flow or a hardcore kickboxing workout, I love getting some movement in straight away.
  • Refresh – two minutes or an hour, I like to sit still and try to relax into my body and my mind. It’s not really meditation (my overactive mind does not like the thought of that, but more of a grounding moment for myself). Learn more about the benefits of mindfulness without meditation here.
  • Refocus – for me this means a cup of tea and a cold shower. I know, I know, but the benefits are promising. Did you know that an ice-cold shower can help improve circulation and strengthen the immune system?

3. Find What Works for You

So many people say “wake up early, be productive – you’ll automatically be better off for it”! I disagree. I’m an early riser and I love having a long morning routine to center myself and dive into some deep work. However, just because it works for me, doesn’t mean it works for everyone. It certainly doesn’t work for my sister. She prefers an extra hour or two of sleep in the morning and starts her day with a cup of coffee and cuddles with the dogs. I say – do what works for you! It might take a little trial and error, but there is no magic morning routine – find what suits you and fits your lifestyle. Win your morning, your way.

Oh, and while you’re at it, don’t forget to do something that brings you joy today. Whether that be your favourite cycling route or finally starting that book you’ve wanted to read for ages, go for it!

Bonus: some food for thought to help win your morning.

Today, I am most excited about __________.

I am thankful for __________.

My affirmation today is __________.

Read more about the impact of positive self-talk on your mood and performance here.

Bonus #2: add the Rewire App.

Adding the Rewire App and the readiness assessment to your morning routine can help you have the best day, every day.

Feeling drained? Primed? Baseline? – Rewire has customised training and recovery plans for every mood to help you make the most out of your day. Win your morning with Rewire – download the Rewire App today.

Bonus #3: Level up your Brain Health

Check out this Rewire article to learn 5 simple habits that could improve your Brain Health.

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