Why is Rewire The Best Readiness Tracker?

The list of available wearable devices, apps and gadgets is seemingly ever growing. Each seems to have a slightly different method, pitch and demographic.
Surely it must be simpler than this?
Yes we all have different goals, but performance, whilst there are different components to it, largely requires the same thing: being physically, emotionally and cognitively ready to go.
Yes of course, it is more than just readiness, performance requires preparation of all sorts, but this is the price of entry, without this there is no start. Once this is done though, performance hinges on readiness to do so, and being able to respond to challenges that arise during the performance.
As a younger athlete, it can be easy to think that performance is only about training, and only physical in nature. As time passes and you gain experience it becomes quickly apparent that readiness fluctuates and that the impact of mental and/or emotional fatigue can be real and impactful.
What are the Components of Readiness?
The physical aspects of readiness are probably the things you have already heard about and know about. These include training load for the previous day, soreness, resting heart rate, heart rate variability (HRV) and sleep.
The cognitive components of readiness are much less talked about but a crucial aspect of readiness that helps form the complete picture required to truly discern readiness, especially when life stressors are more than just training related (which is almost always the case). These components include reaction time and accuracy, mental load, and sleep.
When considering readiness, ignoring the emotional aspects of readiness (and thus performance) is outdated at best. The new generation of elite coaches and athletes is increasingly realising the importance of emotional aspects of performance and working hard to both monitor, train and control these to be able to hone them for top performance. These components include; rest, readiness, frustration and stress.
But Some of these are Subjective?
That is a good thing, not a bad thing!
There is a tendency to believe that athletes are robots and the body is a machine, this is absolutely false. Sometimes the subjective measures of wellness and readiness are more important and sensitive than the objective ones such as HRV.1
Readiness Sounds Complicated?
Simply put, it is.
The human body is complicated enough, getting it to perform in any facet of life is another layer of complexity on top of this.
Ultimately there is no one measure that tells the complete story, the combination of all of these measures, from all of these aspects of readiness gives the most complete picture of readiness possible.
We use a holistic approach to help you achieve maximum human performance.
Rewire – The answer
Rewire was ultimately created with the understanding that performance has many factors that are not physical. The best physical monitoring was added to evidenced based subjective scores, in addition to newer concepts to cover the three domains of fatigue and readiness previously mentioned; physical, mental and emotional.
This all combines to give you the most accurate readiness tracker on the market.
Rewire – How does it work?
Each morning you complete a reaction time test, this is integrated with other physical measures and sleep. Following this test, there are a set of questions that cover training load, mental and emotional fatigue.
You are then scored for readiness overall and in each individual realm; physical, cognitive and emotional.
These scores are all compared to your baseline, because there is a huge deal of individual difference in many of these measures.
The beauty of all of this is that you can track all of these factors as a group and individually, better understanding your health and readiness data.
So my Readiness isn’t good, what do I do now?
Emerging evidence suggests that there is some value in training based on readiness rather than a rigid program.2,3 Preliminary evidence looks as though those using a readiness based program had fewer injuries and outperformed or at least matched the group in the study using a rigid program. The key here being the readiness based program had less volume as a result of doing less on days when readiness was lower.
Beyond this though, Rewire helps you perform via using your readiness results and key goal for the day to then prepare a personalized recovery session to help you better achieve your selected goal for the day given your readiness assessment. These sessions use a mixture of methods such as different breathing patterns and neuropriming to help you optimize your day. This is because we realize that not everyone has the luxury of moving their training around but also because these will help you better achieve your goals regardless of training. You may have a low readiness and decide that day’s goal is then recovery, we can help.
Sounds Good, but I am not that Serious of an Athlete
The modern world and modern life mean that now more than ever we are under more stress. We have more going on, more to be concerned about and more to get done. Given all this, it’s arguable that readiness has never been more important for the population, regardless of athletic goals. In fact, given readiness may actually be easier to predict in professional athletes given athletic performance is their job, the components thereof including things like recover and readiness optimization. In contrast, weekend warriors or recreational athletes often have many other stressors that are higher priority to them and thus should really consider the role of these in their readiness but also how much training stress they want to take on given their priorities may be orientated elsewhere.
What I want from whatever devices I’m using is that it’s looking at the whole person. Right, that it’s not compartmentalizing my physical wellbeing or my emotional wellbeing. And I think that what you and your team have built is an amazing platform. That really is whole-person focused
Tammy Abbott-Thiel, MSW, LMSW
Given the increasingly taxing and stressful nature of modern life and the will to perform that most if not all of us have, it seems critical to both track readiness and remedy poor readiness. Luckily this is now available to you through Rewire. Test it today and start to see the benefits of applying stress appropriately rather than fighting against your body.
If you’re already a Rewire member (and reading this on mobile), tap here to take your Readiness Assessment. If you aren’t a Rewire member yet, tap here to sign up today!

- Saw AE, Main LC, Gastin PB. Monitoring the athlete training response: subjective self-reported measures trump commonly used objective measures: a systematic review. Br J Sports Med. 2016 Mar;50(5):281-91. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2015-094758. Epub 2015 Sep 9. PMID: 26423706; PMCID: PMC4789708.
- Peter Düking, Christoph Zinner, Khaled Trabelsi, Jennifer L. Reed, Hans-Christer Holmberg, Philipp Kunz, Billy Sperlich,Monitoring and adapting endurance training on the basis of heart rate variability monitored by wearable technologies: A systematic review with meta-analysis, Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport,2021,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsams.2021.04.012.
- Javaloyes A, Sarabia JM, Lamberts RP, Moya-Ramon M. Training Prescription Guided by Heart Rate Variability in Cycling. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2018 May 29:1-28. doi: 10.1123/ijspp.2018-0122. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 29809080.

Dr David Lipman is an Australian trained Medical Doctor, Podiatrist and Exercise Physiologist. He has worked with athletes of varying levels in all 3 roles. He is an ultramarathon runner, avid physical activity advocate and is passionate about performance in all people.
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