Entries by Sun Sachs

How the Rewire Brain Training System Works

The mental side of athletic training and competition is a critical component to all levels of performance from the amateur to the professional and yet very little time is dedicated to cognitive-based training. The current brain training solutions for athletes are ineffectual and do not translate to true athletic performance gains because they are performed […]

How Does Mental Fatigue Affect Watts?   

Most of us have slaved over improving our functional threshold power (FTP) via countless hours of structured power-based training.  Likewise we’ve geeked out and spent lots of money looking for ways to save watts using the latest aero bars, wheels, bars, skin suits, shoe covers, wax chains, helmets and even water bottles.   Of course,  these are all […]

101 Guide to using RPE in Training

In sports training, rating of perceived exertion aka RPE is used as an internal assessment for training load during training and competition. The original scale was invented by Stockholm professor of Psychophysics, Gunnar Borg in 1966. Since its invention the RPE scale has been established as the gold standard for self-assessment in the sports world […]